Privacy statement

Our website
The address of our website is:

If you are a registered user and upload photos to this site, you should avoid uploading photos with an EXIF GPS location. Visitors to this site could download photos stored on this site and extract their location information.

When you post a comment on our website, you may agree to your name, email address and website being stored in cookies. This is for your convenience so that you do not have to re-enter this information when you write another comment. These cookies are kept for one year.

Embedded content from other websites
Posts on this website may contain embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves exactly as if the visitor had visited the other website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking services and record your interaction with this embedded content.

How long we store your data
When you write a comment, it is stored indefinitely, along with its associated metadata. This allows us to automatically identify and approve subsequent comments, rather than holding them in a moderation queue.

What rights you have to your data
If you have submitted written comments to our website, you may request that we export your personal data, including any data you have provided to us. You may also request that we delete any personal data we hold about you. This does not include information that we are required to retain for administrative, legal or security reasons.

Where your data is sent
Visitor comments may be analysed by an automated spam detection service.